
Are you overwhelmed by your love for animals? Does the plight of neglected, abused and exploited animals set your heart alight?

You are not alone. We have a purpose for you!

The Lucky Lucy Foundation has a home for your heart. We have in excess of 150 dogs and 150 cats on shelter at our farm. Each of them in need of love, affection, attention and most of all, lots of human companions. That’s where you come in. Despite what you may have believed about animal shelters, Lucky Lucy is not the same. You will not leave here crying. You will leave yearning to return, again and again.

You will make friends, both human and furchildren alike. You will get tired, you might even wake up with sore muscles the next morning, but rest assured it will be worth it. You will pamper, give treats, play, walk, sit and even sleep next to them. Here you will experience unconditional love without boundaries. You will learn about animal behaviour, pack mentality, what it takes to be a leader. You will find your voice. You will change. For the better. Guaranteed.

Take the challenge and sign up as a volunteer. You deserve it!

Ampie Niemand – Volunteer, handyman and board member

Dogs looking for a home

Cats looking for a home

Happy Homing Dogs

Happy Homing Cats


Thank You’s

Fund Raising

How to help


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Lucky Lucy Foundation

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Account type: Cheque
Branch: 023910 Cape Gate

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