A little bit about us…
The Lucky Lucy Foundation was established on the 28th of January 2010, after our founding members discovered a pregnant dog, tied with a wire to a railway line in Wellington (WC). As a result of this inhumane cruelty, Lucy (as she quickly became known) lost her front leg due to several trains passing over her. The founder members who found her soon realised that there is a dire need for animals who other organisation cannot take in due to the time frame of their rehabilitation process. It was then that they established The Lucky Lucy Foundation to give hope to animals that would otherwise would have been left without getting another chance on having a normal and happy life. The Lucky Lucy Foundation is a Registered Non-Profit (NPO:091-636 l PBO:930-036-404), Pro-Quality of Life organisation that tries to relieve the plight of severely neglected and abused domestic animals. We oppose any form of cruelty and neglect to all animals. The Lucky Lucy Foundation is not just a small charity trying to save the world, but a stepping stone of hope for neglected and abused domestic animals providing them with a beacon of light.
Sterilisation & Education
We focus our strengths, first and foremost on getting as many cats and dogs sterilised as we possibly can funds permitting. We are a proud beneficiary of the National Sterilisation Project (NSP). We do everything possible to prevent to the contribution of additional unwanted animals because there simply aren’t enough homes for them all. Eliminating unwanted animals is an unsustainable solution and doesn’t solve the problems of irresponsible breeding or eliminating feral colonies. Elimination of of feral colonies merely makes space for another colony to be established. Shelters get over-burdened with the surplus of unwanted animals. We assist destitute owners in dire circumstances with sterilisation of their pets or veterinary care.
We have a fully functional sterilisation clinic on the premises offering the services of ethical veterinary surgeons from practices nearby. We are able to make our facilities available to other Organisations wishing to conduct sterilisation drives.
Education is done on an ad hoc basis focussing on pet specific topics. Educational sessions can be in a group format or on a one-on-one basis with our primary focus being teaching individuals about justice, respect and compassion for all life! We educate to overcome ignorance which promotes accountability and responsibility.
Rescue, Rehabilitation & Re-homing
The animals that we rescue are ‘NO HOPE LEFT’ ones. They come to our farm and here we rehabilitate them to become the perfect companion in order that they can be re-homed successfully. We actively help the worst cases, the ones that would otherwise be sent over the Rainbow Bridge, however, this does not mean we accept suffering unnecessarily but everyone that comes our way is given the opportunity of a better life, regardless of the resources required.

If you would like to help us with our daily work by making a general monetary donation, please click the button below. This money will be used toward rescued animals in need, to improve the living conditions of the animals at the shelter (new cattery, rehab camps, etc.), and to support outreach programmes for mass sterilisation as well as the day to day running costs and meeting monthly obligations like salaries etc.