Adopt a pet: Pet is for life
Adopt a Pet – Thank you for your interest in adopting a rescue dog/cat instead of buying from a backyard breeder. Adopting an animal from a shelter is a responsible choice, changing the life of that animal as well as the one that fills his/her place again at the shelter! Please take the time to read the information provided below before making the commitment of adopting a shelter animal. Please do understand, adopting is for life. It’s a 10-15 + year commitment, not a few days, weeks or months. Make sure you are ready for this commitment.
A pet is for LIFE
These rescued and rehabilitated animals make the best companions because, “He/she will have the intelligence of a Poodle, the loyalty of a Lassie, the bark of a Shepherd, the heart of Saint-Bernard, the spots of a Dalmatian, the size of a Schnauzer and the speed of a Greyhound. A genuine All-South African Mutt has it all!” It really makes a huge impact especially with shelters over-flowing with unwanted animals; adopting a puppy, kitten or adult from a shelter is a responsible choice, making a life’s difference. However there are important elements to bear in mind before making the commitment of adopting an animal, so please take the time to carefully read the information provided below:

Do you have the time to love & care for an animal?
This includes play, training and simply spending time with him/her. Dogs are social animals and do not do well for long periods alone. They can develop behavioral problems if neglected or not trained. Rescued dogs may or may not have had basic training thus they must be afforded the time and understanding with special help to patience with issues like separation anxiety or previous abuse.
Can you afford a pet?
It’s not just the administration cost to Adopt A Pet and food to consider, there are vet fees, medication, parasite control, emergency vet care etc. There are no guarantees what other type of chronic support may be necessary in future i.e. diabetes, cancer or other conditions.

Are you able to properly home a dog/cat?
Individuals in rental accommodations should verify if their landlords permits pets and ensure they have written permission to keep a pet in the home. Consideration should be made before adopting a rescue dog/cat to whether it will be allowed in your home and whether there is sufficient space inside with the family.
Additional Information on adopting a rescue animal
Puppies & Kittens
Puppies or kittens cannot be adopted if they will be left alone at home with no form of human or animal companionship. Puppies up to 6 months need to be fed three times a day.
If you have a pool it has to be enclosed, covered or fenced in to ensure the animal doesn’t fall in and drown. When they are around the pool there must be supervision. Puppies have to go to puppy classes as well as socialising classes, obedience training etc.
Providing training should prevent behavioural problems like aggression towards children. All puppies that are adopted under the age of six months must be sterilised when six months old.
We will arrange with one of our contracted veterinary practices. Should you choose to have this done by your private vet, proof of sterilization must be emailed to
You must ensure that their vaccinations, de-worming and flea treatments are kept up to date.
Adult Dogs
Dogs cannot be adopted as guard dogs. Our rescue dogs are made for families filled with love and affection not cold nights alone barking at strangers to protect your property.
We prefer all dogs to be regarded as a family member and some of our dogs must be inside dogs. We do have dogs who independently choose to sleep outside and this is fine but if the dog/(s) you choose will sleep outside it has to be in a covered, warm kennel. They must be permitted inside to bond with and become a part of their new family. When there are thunder storms, firecrackers let off or it’s extremely cold outside we prefer them to be inside with you.
Adopt a pet only if you can cater for that dog’s specific needs i.e. very energetic and needs to be exercised, dogs with physical disabilities, health problem etc.
Adult Cats
Adult cats need their diet altered as they grow older, chat to your vet about any ageing concerns.
Check out that you are fully knowledgeable about Feline Leukemia, Feline AIDS, Feline FIP and Feline Enteritis and how important vaccination can avoid these often fatal diseases.
For more detailed general information on successfully homing your new pet, click on the link below to get access to self-help training, acclimatisation tips and a plethora of amazing content. Make sure to check it out.