

As vaccination rates continually increase and we are approaching the end of the pandemic, many are looking forward to going all out with their looks this summer. After all, who can blame them when we spent an entire year in our homes wearing nothing but pajamas and sweatpants?

Indeed, clinics across the nation report increases in appointments being made for waxing, getting eyebrows done, and even Botox! People are done sitting inside and want to look their best to return to society in a couple of months. Read more about it here:

But that does not mean that we should disregard our furry friends’ appearance for the benefit of our own! In many ways, they are our extensions, and being seen looking good in public with a dirty pup could give a bad vibe to others.

Your dog needs visits to the groomer almost as often as you do to the hairdresser, maybe even more when you take into account that their entire body is covered in hair! If stray locks annoy you, imagine how your pooch must feel!

However, appearances are not the only reason you should pencil in regular appointments at the groomer for your canine friend. Sure, they might yield cute Instagram-ready looks, but there is much more to the entire process. Stay with us as we list out some of the biggest reasons why regular grooming is indispensable for your puppy. Trust us; you will be glad to hear about it.

Keeping clean and pretty


First of all, we understand how much responsibility having a pet is. Not only do you have to feed them and take care of their health and wellbeing, but you also need to make sure they look their best. Now, you might be wondering: is all of that necessary? After all, dogs in the past managed to survive centuries without the personal privileges of a groomer.

The truth is it depends on a variety of factors. One of the most important ones is the breed of dog you have. If your dog’s fur is not particularly thick or long-haired, like a beagle or a foxhound, then you likely will not have any issues with grooming it and keeping it clean. On the other hand, if it is a breed with long-haired furs such as a maltese or a pekignese, then you will have your hands full with cleaning up after them.

Another essential factor is whether you are keeping your puppy inside or outside. Namely, if your pooch is primarily homebound except on its daily walks, then that is all the more of a reason to keep them clean and groomed, as to avoid unpleasant surprises in the form of flea infestations and hair all over the couch. Find out more here.

Alternatively, if your dog’s residence is in the yard or anywhere outside of the house, you might get a bit easy on the visits to the groomer but not ignore them completely. Believe us; you will not like the nasty surprises that come with an ungroomed pup.

Secondly, grooming can be a way to bond with your dog. For long-haired breeds, brushing their coat can feel pretty good, and if you do it right, they might even enjoy it! Not to mention, it helps them plenty by avoiding tangles, bringing the natural oils to the hair, and keeping their fur smooth and shiny. If you skip this crucial step, you might end up with unnoticed debris in your canine friend’s fur, which can cause trouble in the form of sores and wounds.

One of the most dreaded parts of grooming for pets and pet parents alike is nail cutting. If you have ever tried to trim your dog’s nails, you know what we are talking about. They can act like you are about to murder them! Luckily, the best dog groomers know how to do it safely and in the right way. You do not need to chase your dog around the house any longer!

Lastly, clean your pooch’s ears just like you would with yours! Avoiding this step is a one-way ticket to the world of ear mites, ear infections, and other issues. This goes double for those with long-haired pups who also need to have the hair from inside their ears plucked out.


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