My School Card

Sign up to make a difference to the lives of our rescue dogs and cats at our Sanctuary and for those in our communities! Signing up as a Lucky Lucy Supporter with the My School programme is quick and easy! Select The Lucky Lucy Foundation as one of your chosen beneficiaries on the Woolworths My School My Village My Planet and every swipe will support our shelter dogs and cats while you shop – at no cost to you! Once you have signed up, you’re on your way to helping to ensure that our rescue animals are fed, kept warm and cosy, and have the chance to find a loving owner for life. Thank you for helping to improve the lives of our shelter animals. Install the Myschool App.
Contact us with any queries about the MySchool program at
Being a HERO to someone, even if it is a dog, is a feeling like no other. Though it can be frustrating, it can be the most rewarding thing to give someone a second chance at a happy life.